Charting Your Path – Strategies for Success in Academe Workshops

Every 2-3 years, UNC Charlotte Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office hosts a full- day workshop entitled: Charting Your Path – Strategies for Success for Mid-Career Women and URM Faculty and Their Administrators.
The goal of the workshop is to provide Women and Under-represented Minority Mid -Career Faculty with strategies to facilitate promotion to full professor, while administrators gain insights into strategies they can utilize to promote mid-career faculty success.
Feedback from our previous workshops has been overwhelmingly positive, so we are confident that participants gain important insights into strategies to engage in proactive, intentional career planning for promotion to full professor, while administrators learn strategies to guide and support mid-career faculty along the path to promotion.
Click on the links in the menu bar to the left to access information about our 2017 Charting your Path Conference, and the materials/resources from previous workshops.