Bridging the Gap between Academic and Entrepreneurial Capital: Strategies for Success for Women and Under Represented Minorities

The ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office hosted a successful conference: “Bridging the Gap between Academic and Entrepreneurial Capital: Strategies for Success for Women and Under Represented Minorities” on March 19th at Center City Campus. The conference, which was attended by over 40 participants featured presentations on the topics of: How Entrepreneurial Cultures Spur Entrepreneurial Action: Connecting Universities to Economic Development; Assessment of Strengths; Opportunity Assessment – Discerning the Business Potential in your Intellectual Property; and Financing Options and Support for Funding your Business. In addition a Panel Discussion entitled “Lessons Learned” was presented which featured three women in academia who successfully bridged the gap between academia and entrepreneurship.
ADVANCE would like to thank their co- sponsors, The Charlotte Research Institute, The College of Health and Human Services and the Belk College of Business who provided monatary donations to support this endeavor. We would also like to thank our co-organizers Ventureprise and The Charlotte Mecklenburg Women’s Summit. In addition, we appreciate the help received from the Graduate School at UNC Charlotte, Business Innovation and Growth (BIG), City of Charlotte Neighborhod and Business Services, NC Biotechnology Center and the Charlotte Chamber for distributing information to numerous outlets in the community.
We would also like to thank our local entrepreneurial experts who kindly agreed to make themselves avaialble to answer questions and provide information to participants during the lunch/networking session. Representatives from The Charlotte Research Institute, Ventureprise, NC Biotechnology Center, BIG, Charlotte Neighborhods and Business Services and Charlotte Chamber were in attendance.
Resources from the conference:
Mr. Ken Harrington, Washington University: How Entrepreneurial Cultures Spur Entrepreneurial Action: Connecting Universities to Economic Development. Click here
Dr. Jane Tucker, COACh: Assessment of Strengths. Click here
Mr. Paul Wetenhall, UNC Charlotte: Opportunity Assessment – Discerning the Business Potential in your Intellectual Property. Click here
Mr. George McAllister, UNC Charlotte: Financing Options and Support for Funding your Business. Click here