Welcome to UNC Charlotte!

These web pages were created especially for our new faculty members. You will find links and information pertinent to teaching and research, as well as links to familiarize you with the policies and services available at UNC Charlotte.

Before You Arrive on Campus

In particular, please click on Before You Arrive on Campus, which explains everything you are required to complete BEFORE you arrive on campus, and also The Provost’s 2024 New Faculty Orientation, which New Faculty are REQUIRED to attend. Information about the Orientation, and programming specifically developed for New Faculty for the rest of your first week will be provided soon.

Welcome Letters

For your convenience, a copy of the very informative email you received in July from the Provost and Dr. Huet welcoming you to UNC Charlotte can be found by clicking on the links below:

Provost Jennifer Troyer’s 2024 New Faculty Welcome Letter

The Center For ADVANCing Faculty Success Welcome Letter

New Faculty Activities Scheduled for the First Week on Campus

On Monday, August 12, there is an in-person Community Engagement Orientation. More information should arrive to you from urbanCORE’s Community Partnerships team.

On Tuesday, August 13, the Center for ADVANCing Faculty Success hosts New Faculty Orientation from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Student Union 3 rd Floor. New Faculty are required to attend

On Wednesday, August 14, the New Faculty Benefits Orientation will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in person. This Orientation will offer information about benefits, including insurance and retirement, and you should receive information directly from the Human Resources Department regarding this orientation. Location: Belk Gym

Finally, Friday, August 16 is set aside as the day for college and departmental programming. Please look for information from your units regarding these events.

On Thursday, August 15 the Chancellor will host University Convocation, which allows the university community to kick off the academic year and hear more about UNC Charlotte’s long-term goals and immediate plans and issues. All faculty will receive more information regarding this year’s University Convocation.

Finally, Friday, August 16 is set aside as the day for college and departmental programming. Please look for information from your units regarding these events.

Resources for Fall 2025

Faculty Handbooks

Enrollment in the University’s direct deposit program is mandatory for all University employees.

Environmental Health and Safety Orientation Form

UNC Charlotte’s Learning and Organizational Development Offerings

Athletic Academic Center

Important Information Regarding Mandatory Reporting of the Last date of Attendance/Participation in a Course for Students with Failing (F) or Unsatisfactory Grades

If you are new to the Charlotte area, click on On the Town to discover some interesting things to do in and around town.

New Faculty Podcast: Only Faculty in the Building

Our Office is excited to share a new initiative designed especially for new and early career faculty to introduce you to resources and people at UNC Charlotte who can help you be successful in your first few years at the institution.

The Podcast Series, “Only Faculty in the Building,” was developed with the knowledge that new faculty have a lot on their plates, beginning on Day 1, and that it can be difficult to prioritize professional development programming when you know you are going to be faced with a classroom full of expectant faces several times a week – don’t panic!

You can access the podcasts, which are only 15 – 20 minutes long, at a time that works for you – no need to schedule a time where you have to be in a certain place at a certain time!

We will be releasing podcasts throughout the semester, and each one has been designed to disseminate all the information you need about each office/resource efficiently in a casual conversational style.

We hope you enjoy learning about all the things we do to help you thrive and be successful here at UNC Charlotte.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the podcast!

Information About Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure

Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

General Resources For New Faculty Focused on How To Thrive In Your First Few Years at UNC Charlotte

NCFDD resources. Please note, follow the instructions on our home page to set up your free account.

Surviving and Thriving as a New Professor

Early Career Resources from the University of Iowa. Although some links are specific to the University of Iowa, there are numerous links to more general resources to help new faculty succeed.

Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The Council of Writing Program Administrator Statement on Best Practices

If I Only Knew: Reflections for New Faculty Members

As we continually try to improve on our efforts to better serve new faculty members, please let us know how we can enhance our welcome even more next year.