• The Center for Creative Leadership is recognized as a top-ranked, global, nonprofit provider of leadership development and a pioneer in the field of global leadership research.
  • The Kardia group understands that working in academia is a “meta-profession” requiring skills and expertise across a wide array of roles – with very little training along the way. Coaching helps navigate these multiple demands, customized to individuals, situations, and institutions. We make smart people smarter in all the roles associated with the intellectual endeavor. Learn more about coaching services, our coaching FAQ, or short coaching.


Book Suggestions for Chairs

  • Academic Leadership: A Practical Guide to Chairing the Department by Deryl R. Learning
  • The Academic Chair’s Handbook by Daniel W. Wheeler, et al.
  • The Department Chair Primer by Don Chu
  • The Essential Department Chair: A Comprehensive Desk Reference by Jeffrey L. Buller
  • Reframing Academic Leadership by Lee G. Bolman and Joan V. Gallos
  • A Toolkit for Department Chairs by Jeffrey L. Buller and Robert E. Cipriano


* The Academic Chairpersons Conference is an annual forum where academic chairpersons, administrators and faculty from all areas of higher education share the most successful, innovative ideas and strategies to assist each other in becoming more effective in their positions.

* The ACE Leadership Academy for Department Chairs is a 2-day workshop that prepares department chairs for their roles as institutional leaders who can advance their programs and contribute to the larger mission of their colleges or universities.