Charting your Path 2017
The 2017 Charting your Path – Strategies for Success for Mid-Career Women and URM Faculty and Their Administrators full-day Workshop was a tremendous success.
The goal of the workshop is to provide Women and Under-represented Minority Mid-Career Faculty with strategies to facilitate promotion to full professor, while administrators gain insights into strategies they can utilize to promote mid-career faculty success. Judging from feedback from mid-career faculty and administrators, both goals were met!!
Our Keynote Speaker: Kiernan Mathews, Ed.D., Director of The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) and author of “Perspectives on Midcareer Faculty and Advice for Supporting Them” presented a data-driven address entitled, “The COACHE Approach to Understanding Mid-Career Faculty”, in which he outlinied the perceived barriers mid-career faculty face on their path to promotion, as well as some helpful strategies to help mitigate these barriers.
Click here, here and here to access slides and some useful resources from Kiernan Mathews presentation
Click here to access slides from Robbin Chapman and Yvette Huet’s presentation around resiliency
Event Date:
Friday, May 19, 2017 – 08:00 to 16:30
Bioinformatics Building
Contact Name:
Tonya Thompson
Contact Email: