Under the headline “How Universities Fail Women Inventors,” Scott Shane, a professor at Case Western, writes inBusinessWeek (12/28/11) that “researchers have posited several explanations “for women creating fewer spinoffs than men, another factor that draws less attention, but is equally important, is “the attitudes of technology licensing officers on university campuses.” Shane and several colleagues […]
How to Successfully Surmount the Challenges Women Face in Becoming Biotech Industry Leaders By Jef Akst | February 1, 2012 Excelling in industry is not easy, especially if you’re a woman. According to a 2010 study of New England biotech firms, females comprised only about 12 percent of biotech founders, despite earning about half of […]
Jonathan M. Kane and Janet E. Mertz Gender differences in mathematics participation rate, mean and high-end performance, and variance in distribution of performance have been reported on numerous occasions. The reasons for these findings have been the subject of much debate. For example, the greater male variability hypothesis, originally proposed by Ellis in 1894 [42] […]
Dr. Christine Richardson, Associate Professor in the Department of Biology, was recently featured on the front page of the University City News section of The Charlotte Observer. “Richardson, a geneticist who studies cancers of the blood, runs a lab in UNC Charlotte’s biology department that examines the role DNA plays in cancer. Her team of […]
Dr. Judith Cornelius, Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing, recently participated in a panel discussion about how technological innovation is affecting our health. The discussion was hosted by “A Healthier Charlotte,” a regional forum for current health and wellness topics, issues and discussion, created for and by people in the Charlotte area. Joining Dr. […]
UNC Charlotte ADVANCE has focused its programming around the five primary goals of Recruitment; Retention and Advancement; Climate; Institutional Transformation and Dissemination. It has also established desired outcomes around these goals. Goal 1: Recruitment: To increase the number of female faculty – including women of color – interviewed and hired in Science, Technology, Engineering and […]
UNC Charlotte ADVANCE seeks to create an institutional environment to support the recruitment, retention and academic success of women faculty, especially those in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines, and to increase the success of all faculty campus-wide. The initiative does this through systemic efforts including policy work, faculty mentoring, leadership development, diversity recruitment […]
In response to the positive feedback on the 2011 conference, “Charting Your Path — Strategies for Success in Academe: A Conference for STEM Women Associate Professors and Their Administrators,” UNC Charlotte ADVANCE and NC A&T will jointly host a one-day conference highlighting Mid-Career Faculty Advancement at NC A&T in Greensboro on May 14, 2012 (more […]
An article in the winter 2010 issue of the COACHE Update newsletter features comments by Joan Lorden, provost and vice chancellor of academic affairs, about the ADVANCE Committee on the Future of the Faculty, as well as the ADVANCE mentoring program for new faculty. Lorden is principal investigator with the National Science Foundation grant that […]
Dr. Robin N. Coger, professor of mechanical engineering & engineering science and director of the Center for Biomedical Engineering Systems at UNC Charlotte, is the recipient of the 2010 Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award. She was presented with the award at a reception on the evening of Feb. 10, 2010 in honor of […]
Dr. Jiang (Linda) Xie, associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has won a prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award. The award provides $400,000 over the next five years to support Dr. Xie’s research and teaching activities. In 2007-2008, UNC Charlotte ADVANCE awarded Xie a Bonnie Cone Fellowship. The CAREER program […]
In response to the positive feedback on the 2011 conference, “Charting your Path” – Strategies for Success in Academe, UNC Charlotte and N.C A&T State University jointly hosted a one-day conference highlighting Mid-Career Female Faculty Advancement on May 14th 2012 on the campus of N.C. A&T State University in Greensboro, NC. To learn more about […]
The NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education has published an article about the BRIDGES Academic Leadership for Women program, written by UNC Charlotte’s Cynthia Wolf Johnson and Charlynn Ross. Wolf Johnson is Associate Provost for Academic Services and Ross is Director of University Center for Academic Excellence. They co-authored the article with Chena Flood, […]
A faculty member who calls herself by the pseudonym “Female Science Professor” when writing her posts for The Chronicle of Higher Education’s online site and its Catalyst column talks about why she has inserted the adjective “Female” in her blog name, in the June 15, 2010 column. Her column has sparked reactions from other faculty […]
An article co-authored by ADVANCE Leadership Team member Kim Buch, UNC Charlotte Department of Psychology, and Diana Bilimoria of Case Western Reserve University, was published in the July/August 2010 edition of Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning. The article, The Search is On: Engendering Faculty Diversity through More Effective Search and Recruitment, considers ways that […]
The sequencing of the soybean genome was announced in a paper published in the January 14, 2010 issue of the journal “Nature.” Authored by Jeremy Schmutz of the Joint Genome Institute and the HudsonAlpha Genome Sequencing Center and 43 other researchers from 18 institutions — including UNC Charlotte professor Jessica Schlueter — the paper details […]
Dr. Sally Haslanger, a scholar from MIT noted for her work on the metaphysics of race and gender, spoke on “Encountering Race in Life and Language” on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM in Cone University Center Room 112. Co-sponsors were UNC Charlotte ADVANCE, the Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, […]
Leadership development and mentoring have been shown in numerous studies to be among the most successful ways to engage and help faculty members learn and grow. UNC Charlotte ADVANCE has intentionally focused attention on this type of career growth and leadership development offerings. The ADVANCE Faculty Affairs Office has scheduled its 2011-2012 programming, including: Mentoring […]