Mentoring Effort Provides Collegial Support for Faculty
It is well documented that appropriate mentoring and support can significantly shorten the professional learning curve. The Center for ADVANCing Faculty Success Faculty (CAFS) Mentoring Program provides robust support for tenure-track faculty as they begin their professional journeys at UNC Charlotte, and as they advance towards promotion and tenure. The mentoring initiatives provided by CAFS include one-to-one and/or group support for new faculty. New Faculty are matched with a mentor outside of their home departments to forge connections across UNC Charlotte, and to allow new faculty to gain different perspectives. These university-wide efforts augment, but are not a replacement for, the mentoring and coaching provided within faculty’s home colleges and departments. Mentoring is also available for mid-career faculty. The goal of this programming is to provide associate professors with important insights into strategies to engage in proactive, intentional career planning for promotion to full professor.
Click here for a New Faculty Individual Development Plan
Click here for a Mid-Career Individual Development Plan
Reassess–Realign–Reimagine: A Guide for Mentors Pivoting to Remote Research Mentoring
Because authorship is one of the main forms of currency in academia, decisions about who is named an author, and in what order, can be challenging to navigate even among successful collaborations. To help in this area, the Graduate School has led the development of University Policy: 318, Authorship Policy and Resolution Procedures. View a brief introduction to the policy by Provost Joan Lorden.