The Future of the Faculty Committee

The Future of the Faculty committee’s purpose is to review policies, processes, and practices at UNC Charlotte that might impede the recruitment, retention, and full professional development of faculty members in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) areas.

The committee examines data, recommends policy changes, reviews evaluation reports on ADVANCE programs and recommends program changes, monitors institutional progress towards ADVANCE goals, and advises UNC Charlotte administration on the general adoption of successful practices. The committee seeks to remove policy barriers that are judged to prohibit the implementation of effective recruiting and retention practices.

The committee reviews key institutional documents such as the Academic Affairs Personnel Handbook; college and department recruitment practices; evaluation mechanisms for chairs at the time of reappointment; annual data on equity by gender and race/ethnicity (hiring, promotion, start-up packages) and ADVANCE program progress; the effectiveness of current family leave policies; and the outcomes of ADVANCE initiatives.

The review process informs committee efforts to recommend policy changes; seeks creative mechanisms to meet the childcare/eldercare needs of faculty; explores mechanisms to retain STEM women through flexibility in appointments and re-entry programs; and examines and makes recommendations concerning increased flexibility in the tenure clock.

Committee on the Future of the Faculty Members Offer Leadership in Policy Considerations

  • Dr. Dean Adams, Committee Chair, Associate Dean of Performing Arts Services, College of Arts and Architecture
  • Dr. Yvette Huet, ex officio, Department of Kinesiology, Director, UNC Charlotte ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office
  • Dr. Richard Leeman, ex officio, Faculty Governance President, Dept. of Communication Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Dr. Susan Trammell, Dept. of Physics and Optical Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Dr. Leslie Zenk, Assistant Provost, Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Asis Nasipuri, Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
  • Dr. Diana Rowan, MSW Program Director and Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology, College of Health and Human Services
  • Dr. Lan Kolano, Professor, Dept. of Middle, Secondary and K-12 Education, College of Education
  • Dr. Mary Lou Maher, Chair, Department of Software and Information Systems, College of Computing and Informatics
  • Dr. Artie Zillante, Interim Senior Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Economics, College of Business