Dr. Lisa Merriweather

Dr. Lisa Merriweather

CAFS Faculty Fellow

 As an adult educator and qualitative researcher, Dr. Merriweather’s passions are interrupting anti-Black racism while promoting pro-Blackness in the practice and theory of adult education. Using Africana philosophical thought infused with Agape-centered humanity as a foundation, she intentionally seeks to build bridges of emotional, spiritual, physical, and cognitive understanding. Employing the art of story and dialogic engagement, complete with creativity and innovativeness, emotionality and theorizing, and historical and contemporary cultural and political critique, she invites readers and interlocutors to a space of reflection through (re)presenting and (re)languaging racialized experiences. Her research interests include culturally liberative pedagogical mentoring, critical race pedagogy, STEM doctoral mentoring, race and racism in non/informal adult education, and joyography. She is the 2023 AHEA  Alan Mandell Mentoring award and was inducted in 2024 into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame in Florence, Italy. She is a Professor of Adult Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, co-founder of Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, and co-editor of Adult Education Quarterly. Dr. Merriweather defines herself as a creative who delights in reimagining the world through the blurred lines of scholarship and the arts.