
COACh Childcare and Family Survey

Categories: News

“COACh: Assisting in the success and impact of women scientists and engineers” is conducting a childcare and family survey. Their website is: We need your voice! Right now is a critical time for Childcare and Family Issues for Women Scientists. The number of working families has increased and the need for childcare has become a […]

ADVANCE hosts a Conference for Women and Under Represented Minority Academic Entrepreneurs

Categories: News

The ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office hosted a successful conference: “Bridging the Gap between Academic and Entrepreneurial Capital: Strategies for Success for Women and Under Represented Minorities” on March 19th at Center City Campus. The conference, which was attended by over 40 participants, featured presentations on the topics of: How Entrepreneurial Cultures Spur Entrepreneurial […]

Defending Collegiality

Categories: News

In his provocatively titled recent book, The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t, Robert I. Sutton argues for zero tolerance of “bullies, creeps, jerks, weasels, tormentors, tyrants, serial slammers, despots, [and] unconstrained egomaniacs” in the workplace. Click here to read artice

Grandma Got STEM blog

Categories: News

From the creator of the blog: Rachel Levy, Harvey Mudd College Mathematics Why this blog? Perhaps, like me, you are tired of hearing people say “how would you explain that to your grandmother?” when they probably mean something like “How would you explain the idea in a clear, compelling way so that people without a […]

Introducing The Advanced Women of Color (AWC) Site

Categories: News

The Advanced Women of Color (AWC) site is launching and invites you to sign up. AWC is designed to provide women of color holding Ph.D.s a place to share ideas, wisdom, experience and questions – anonymously if they wish – as well as seek collaborations and opportunities discreetly. It was built with support from an […]

Women In Higher Education features ADVANCE

Categories: News

The Women In Higher Education publication has featured ADVANCE in its June 2011 issue. The article, titled “UNC Charlotte Mentor Program Supports Mid-Career Faculty,” focuses on the university’s efforts to support its associate professors as they advance their professional careers. The article can be found here, and it is used with permission.

UNC Charlotte hosts COACh session

Categories: News

The ADVANCE Faculty Affairs Office on Jan. 19, 2011 held a dynamic session on “Creating Balance and Value in Your Career Portfolio” for UNC Charlotte women faculty from all disciplines. The highly interactive workshop was led by COACh, which was formed in 1998 by senior women faculty from across the nation and whose mission is […]

UNC Charlotte hosts COACh session 2012

Categories: News

On January 18, 2012, The ADVANCE Faculty Affairs Office held a dynamic session on “Creating Balance and Value in Your Career Portfolio” for UNC Charlotte women faculty from all disciplines. The workshop was directed by COACh facilitators, Jane Tucker and Barb Butterfield. COACh was formed in 1998 by a group of senior women faculty in […]

“Change” Features ADVANCE Article

Categories: News

A research study supported by the UNC Charlotte ADVANCE Faculty Affairs Office was recently published in Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning. The article, entitled “Removing the Barriers to Full Professor: A Mentoring Program for Associate Professors,” was authored by Dr. Kimberly Buch, Associate Professor in Psychology, and leader of the ADVANCE Mid-Career Mentoring Initiative; […]

Technology Licensing Officers Fail Women Inventors

Categories: News

Under the headline “How Universities Fail Women Inventors,” Scott Shane, a professor at Case Western, writes inBusinessWeek (12/28/11) that “researchers have posited several explanations “for women creating fewer spinoffs than men, another factor that draws less attention, but is equally important, is “the attitudes of technology licensing officers on university campuses.” Shane and several colleagues […]